Jersey Mike’s is a Brand That Believes

At Jersey Mikes we offer a sub above. We carefully consider every aspect of what we do – every slice, every sandwich, every store – we provide our guests with sustenance and substance too.

If you're good, be good always.
If you're true, be true always.

In the value of ingredients, in the virtue of intention, and the idea that making a sub sandwich and making a difference can be one in the same.

After all, helping is who we are. It's not an angle and it's not an act. We don't give to get, we give to give: our passion, our time, our talents, and our attention. We always have and we always will.

And if you're the best submarine sandwich on the planet, be the best submarine sandwich on the planet always.
Jersey Mike's. Help nourish. Help flourish.
Be a sub above.
You Shouldn't Give For The Accolades

Month of Giving
More Than $113 Million Raised Since 2011
During the month of March, customers are invited to come into our restaurants and donate to a local charity partner. The campaign culminates in a nationwide event, Jersey Mike's Day of Giving on the last Wednesday of March, when 100% of the day's sales are donated to the local partner charity.
Nearly 2,500 restaurants donated 100% of sales, not just profits, to local charities including hospitals, youth organizations, food banks and more.
"Giving...making a difference in someone's life" has been the mission of Jersey Mike's from the beginning.

Feeding America
In the past two years, Jersey Mike’s has donated more than $11 million to Feeding America, helping provide over 110 million meals* through the organization’s nationwide network of more than 200 local member food banks.
Feeding America® is the largest hunger-relief organization in the United States. Through a network of more than 200 food banks, 21 statewide food bank associations, and over 60,000 partner agencies, food pantries and meal programs.

USTA Foundation
The USTA Foundation, the charitable arm of the United States Tennis Association Incorporated (USTA), teamed up with Jersey Mike’s Subs to raise $4.5 million during a national fundraising event to support the organization’s mission to bring tennis and education together to change lives. On Saturday, Sept. 9 and Sunday, Sept. 10, Jersey Mike’s donated 20 percent of all sales at the company’s more than 2,500 locations nationwide to the USTA Foundation.
USTA Foundation uses the sport of tennis as a vehicle to help under-resourced youth become more engaged in school and learning with the goal of succeeding in tennis and in life.

Special Olympics
Special Olympics is a global movement of people creating a new world of inclusion and community, where every single person is accepted and welcomed, regardless of ability or disability. We are helping to make the world a better, healthier and more joyful place—one athlete, one volunteer, one family member at a time.

Wreaths Across America
Since 2010, Jersey Mike’s has supported WAA’s mission with contributions totaling more than $3.5 million dollars. Last year, across the country more than 2.7 million sponsored veterans’ wreaths were placed in honor of veterans, including on all the eligible markers of those buried at Arlington National Cemetery. “Jersey Mike’s franchisees across the country support the year-long mission to Remember the fallen, Honor those who serve, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom,” said Peter Cancro, Jersey Mike’s founder and CEO.